CPB Ivoire transformer Paran 30mL


CPB肌肤之钥 短管隔离

Availability:Out of stock

Product Introduction
It is a makeup foundation that leads skin like wearing shiny veil from inside of the skin with moisture effect by naturally extracting the brightness and transparency of the skin.

Description of item

Skin drawer brightness and clarity with is, a makeup base to achieve a texture a sense of transparency, such as a makeup base beautiful skin to bring the shine. It leads to the skin, such as wearing a shining veil in moisturizing effect. To enhance the texture with the skin, it brings the shine.

how to use

Please use after trimmed the skin with your existing skin care ●. ● take a 1-yen coin in diameter in the palm of the hand, five locations of the face Place (both cheeks, forehead, nose, chin), evenly spread across the face by sliding gently finger toward the outside from the center of the face. ● Please put the foundation Make sure the base is the familiar well.


◇ please be used with caution well or abnormal, such as scratches and swelling, eczema and color missing (such as white spots) and darkening does not occur in the skin. When it is not suitable to your skin, discontinue use, please consult your such as a dermatologist. ◇ When it reaches the eyes, please rinse immediately. ◇ Please pay attention to the fire.